
What Is An Exterminator?

The term “exterminator” is often associated with the graphic ads that populated telephone books and newspapers throughout the first half of the 20th century. They portrayed exterminators as monsters that would eradicate any pest infestation with extreme force, leaving no survivors behind. This reactionary approach to pest control has since been replaced by a more sustainable approach known as Pest Management or Pest Control.

An exterminator is a professional trained to identify, prevent and eradicate pests from homes and businesses. They use a variety of techniques and methods to control unwanted insects, rodents, and other pests that damage property or threaten the health and safety of the occupants. They often work in a wide range of environments, including indoor and outdoor spaces, depending on the type of pests they are targeting.

Exterminators are often required to obtain a license to practice in their field. They are also required to follow local and state regulations regarding the use of chemicals and other treatments. In addition, they must be able to communicate effectively with their clients and other members of their team. They may be asked to provide documentation of the services they perform, including the type and amount of chemical treatments used.

Most people look for an Exterminator when they have a severe problem that must be dealt with immediately. These types of pests include ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, and fleas. Pests that enter a home or business can cause costly and even dangerous damage to the structure and surrounding areas. In addition, some pests carry diseases that can be transferred to humans. For example, mosquitoes transmit malaria, rodents can transmit hantavirus and yellow fever, and cockroaches can spread leprosy.

Pest control is a long-term process that is better for the environment and human health than extermination. Instead of spraying overkill pesticides, a pest control expert will examine the conditions that allow pests to thrive and find ways to change those conditions. This may involve putting up barriers to entry such as mesh or caulk, sealing cracks in the home, and using less toxic pesticides.

Many pest control companies now employ a natural approach to pest removal that is better for the planet and safer for children and pets. These techniques include the use of organic products, such as those derived from chrysanthemums or diatomaceous earth, that are not harmful to the environment and don’t require the use of harsh chemicals in the home.

While the term exterminator has a negative connotation, these professionals play an important role in keeping homes and businesses safe from unwelcome pests. They are well-trained in the methods, tools, and products that help to control pests and will work to ensure the safety of the occupants. By combining prevention and extermination methods, they can help to reduce the overall number of pests in a home or business. This is more effective than simply reacting to a pest problem once it has occurred. For this reason, it is essential for anyone who has a pest infestation to seek the assistance of a qualified pest control expert as soon as possible.